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Class rick_db.sql.DbGrid


No search to be done.


Find matches with a different start or ending.


Find matches tha start with the expression.


Find matches tha end with the expression.

DbGrid.__init__(repo: Repository, search_fields: list = None, search_type: int = None, case_sensitive=False)

Initialize a DbGrid() object, using the Repository repo, a list of field names to be searched in search_fields, with the search type search_type (see SEARCH_NONE, SEARCH_ANY, SEARCH_START, SEARCH_END), and if case_sensitive is True, a case-sensitive search is performed.


Build and returns the Select() object to be used internally for DbGrid. This method can be overridden for specific implementations.


Build and returns the default sort dictionary. It can be overridden for specific implementations. Select = None, search_text: str = None, match_fields: dict = None, limit: int = None, offset: int = None, sort_fields: dict = None, search_fields: list = None):

Executes a query and returns a tuple with the total row count matching the query, and the records within the specified range defined by offset and limit, sorted by sort_fields.

If qry is None, DbGrid.default_query() is used. If search_text is specified, a LIKE/ILIKE search is performed in the searchable fields defined in the constructor. Specific search fields can be specified, within the set of fields specified in the constructor. match_fields is an optional {field_name:value} dict to perform exact match (field=value).


from rick_db import fieldmapper, Repository, DbGrid
from import PgConnection

@fieldmapper(tablename="product", pk="id_product")
class Product:
    id = "id_product"
    short_description = "short_description"
    brand = "brand_id"

db_config = {
    "dbname": "products",
    "user": "someUser",
    "password": "somePassword",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,

# create connection
conn = PgConnection(**db_config)

# create a repository
repo = Repository(conn, Product)

# create a grid
grid = DbGrid(
    repo,  # repository to use
    [Product.short_description],  # fields to perform text search
    DbGrid.SEARCH_ANY,  # type of search

# retrieve first 10 results
# total will have the total row count that matches the filters, without limit
total, rows ="bag", match_fields={Product.brand: 12}, limit=10)
print("total matches:", total)
for r in rows:
    print(, r.short_description)

# retrieve second page of results
total, rows =
    search_text="bag", match_fields={Product.brand: 12}, limit=10, offset=10
for r in rows:
    print(, r.short_description)