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Welcome to RickDb

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RickDb is a SQL database layer for Python3. It includes connection management, Object Mapper, Query Builder, and a Repository pattern implementation.


  • Object Mapper
  • Fluent SQL Query builder with schema support
  • High level connectors for PostgreSQL, SQLite
  • Pluggable SQL query profiler
  • Grid helper
  • Migration Manager


RickDb was designed to be used in schema-first scenarios: Database schema is built and managed directly with SQL DDL commands, and there is a clear segregation of concerns - the application layer has no responsibility on the structure of the database.

This approach is the direct opposite of most available ORMS, but allows complete control over how the database is queried and how results are processed within the application, favoring cache-friendly multi-tier/service-oriented implementations.

However, it can also be used to consume information from existing databases, implement lightweight middleware services, or to perform some quick application prototyping.

Please note, RickDb does not implement any async functionality, and there are no plans to support it in the near future.

TL;DR; example

A simple bookstore DTO and Repository example, with a custom query via QueryBuilder:

from rick_db import fieldmapper, Repository
from import PgConnection
from rick_db.sql import Select, Literal

@fieldmapper(tablename='publisher', pk='id_publisher')
class Publisher:
    id = 'id_publisher'
    name = 'name'

@fieldmapper(tablename='book', pk='id_book')
class Book:
    id = 'id_book'
    title = 'title'
    total_pages = 'total_pages'
    rating = 'rating'
    isbn = 'isbn'
    published = 'published_date'
    fk_publisher = 'fk_publisher'

@fieldmapper(tablename='author', pk='id_author')
class Author:
    id = 'id_author'
    first_name = 'first_name'
    middle_name = 'middle_name'
    last_name = 'last_name'

@fieldmapper(tablename='book_author', pk='id_book_author')
class BookAuthor:
    id = 'id_book_author'
    fk_book = 'fk_book'
    fk_author = 'fk_author'

class AuthorRepository(Repository):

    def __init__(self, db):
        super().__init__(db, Author)

    def calc_avg_rating(self, id_author: int):
        Calculate average rating for a given author
        :param id_author: author id
        :return: average rating, if any

        # generated query:
        # SELECT avg(rating) AS "rating" FROM "book" INNER JOIN "book_author" ON 
        # "book"."id_book"="book_author"."fk_book" WHERE ("fk_author" = %s)
        qry = Select(self._dialect). \
            from_(Book, {Literal("avg({})".format(Book.rating)): 'rating'}). \
            join(BookAuthor, BookAuthor.fk_book, Book, \
            where(BookAuthor.fk_author, '=', id_author)

        # retrieve result as list of type Book (to get the rating field)
        rset = self.fetch(qry, cls=Book)
        if len(rset) > 0:
            return rset.pop(0).rating
        return 0

    def books(self, id_author: int) -> list[Book]:
        Retrieve all books for the given author
        :return: list[Book]

        qry = Select(self._dialect). \
            from_(Book). \
            join(BookAuthor, BookAuthor.fk_book, Book, \
            where(BookAuthor.fk_author, '=', id_author)

        return self.fetch(qry, cls=Book)

def dump_author_rating(repo: AuthorRepository):
    for author in repo.fetch_all():

        # calculate average
        rating = repo.calc_avg_rating(

        # print book list
        print("Books by {firstname} {lastname}:".format(firstname=author.first_name, lastname=author.last_name))
        for book in repo.books(

        # print average rating           
        print("Average rating for {firstname} {lastname} is {rating}".
              format(firstname=author.first_name, lastname=author.last_name, rating=rating))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db_cfg = {
        'dbname': "rickdb-bookstore",
        'user': "rickdb_user",
        'password': "rickdb_pass",
        'host': "localhost",
        'port': 5432,
        'sslmode': 'require'        

    conn = PgConnection(**db_cfg)
    repo = AuthorRepository(conn)